Zinc oxide for natural cosmetics

Sustainable ingredient for leave-on products

We are pleased that our zinc oxide alter­na­tive, Mag­ne­sia 78092, which we have recent­ly includ­ed in our port­fo­lio, has been so pos­i­tive­ly received by the mar­ket. We were able to qual­i­fy a sup­pli­er for the nat­ur­al raw mate­r­i­al zinc oxide, Mag­ne­sia 78092, which is absolute­ly con­vinc­ing — espe­cial­ly with regard to the ever-grow­ing mar­ket of nat­ur­al cos­met­ics. For you, this new zinc oxide offers the pos­si­bil­i­ty to opti­mise your cos­met­ic for­mu­la­tions sustainably. 

Mag­ne­sia 78092 is pro­duced in Ger­many from zinc pow­der of Euro­pean ori­gin. It is pro­duced using the so-called ‘French man­u­fac­tur­ing process’, which uses zinc steam and atmos­pher­ic oxy­gen. The zinc oxide obtained meets the require­ments for a nature-iden­ti­cal raw mate­r­i­al accord­ing to NATRUE. It can be used as a colourant accord­ing to INCI dec­la­ra­tion CI77947.

The man­u­fac­tur­er is COSMOS, EU-GMP Part II and FDA cer­ti­fied.

Zinc oxide for natural cosmetics

Magnesia 78092

Zinkox­id, cos­met­ics
ZnO 99.7 — 100%
BET 3.0 — 5.0 m²/g

view spec­i­fi­ca­tion

Properties of zinc oxide:


Nat­ur­al Ori­gin Index acc. to ISO 16128: 1.0 (derived min­er­al ingredient)

Spec. Sur­face (BET) nach DIN 66132: 3,0–5,0 m2/g

Appli­ca­tion exam­ples in leave-on prod­ucts or tooth paste are:

  • Bulk­ing
  • Col­orant
  • UV-Fil­ter

Oth­er qual­i­ties for use as phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal excip­i­ents, UV fil­ters or with high­er BET are avail­able on request. Please con­tact us.

Short-term delivery

Short deliv­ery times are an eco­nom­ic fac­tor. As your reli­able dis­tri­b­u­tion part­ner, we keep the raw mate­r­i­al avail­able at our ware­house in Lüneb­urg and can assure you of short-term deliv­ery.

Our commitment

Man­u­fac­tur­ers world­wide of safe and high-qual­i­ty cos­met­ic prod­ucts rely on our exper­tise. The MAGNESIA Cos­met­ics team always focus­es on sus­tain­able raw mate­ri­als for nat­ur­al and organ­ic cos­met­ics. It is our con­cern to pro­mote con­sumer wel­fare and pre­serve nat­ur­al resources.

Please con­tact us and learn more about zinc oxide and its use in nat­ur­al cos­met­ic for­mu­la­tions.

Contact us now

Thomas Raab and the Cos­met­ics team sup­port you with tech­ni­cal know-how and find tai­lor-made solu­tions for your prod­uct idea. Also ask for detailed infor­ma­tion about spec­i­fi­ca­tionssafe­ty data sheets or mate­r­i­al sam­ples.

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