MAGNESIA organizes
its own virtual trade fair show

Like many com­pa­nies dur­ing the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic, we have also become cre­ative in order to main­tain con­tact with our busi­ness part­ners and cre­ate an event at the same time in times of social dis­tanc­ing, unusu­al trade fairs and lim­it­ed trav­el options.

From June 21, we are there­fore orga­niz­ing the MAGNESIA Vir­tu­al Expo. Dur­ing the 10-day vir­tu­al trade fair, cus­tomers can book indi­vid­ual appoint­ments with the MAGNESIA busi­ness units and exchange infor­ma­tion on mar­ket trends, the lat­est appli­ca­tions for MAGNESIA raw mate­ri­als and devel­op­ment projects. We are also plan­ning keynote speech­es, includ­ing one by Paul Willis, CEO Cypress Inc., who will be a guest speak­er on the top­ic of “organ­ic-bound minerals”.

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