Customer workshop
Flame retardants

Yes­ter­day we held one of the first live work­shops with cus­tomers for a long time. Our team from the Light­weight Fillers divi­sion gave a live demon­stra­tion of the excel­lent insu­lat­ing prop­er­ties and heat resis­tance of the Mag­Spheres A series.

The aim of the work­shop was to for­mu­late the Mag­Spheres® A series in such a way that it can be applied to the mate­ri­als brought in by the cus­tomers with­out much effort and gives them improved refrac­to­ry prop­er­ties. The par­tic­i­pat­ing prod­uct devel­op­ers and engi­neers were shown that prod­uct opti­miza­tions can be inte­grat­ed effi­cient­ly and cost-effec­tive­ly into exist­ing prod­ucts with a high lev­el of ser­vice from MAGNESIA, as a sup­pli­er of MagSpheres.

In the sub­se­quent flame test, a 1,300 °C flame was direct­ed at the respec­tive cus­tomer work­pieces for 10 sec­onds. All mate­ri­als with­stood the flames due to treat­ment with the Mag­Spheres® A series or sig­nif­i­cant­ly inhib­it­ed the spread of smoul­der­ing spots around the treat­ed surfaces.

We have made videos of these flame tests avail­able on our YouTube chan­nel.

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