International trademark

for lightweight fillers from MAGNESIA

MAGNESIA GmbH has been mar­ket­ing inno­v­a­tive light­weight fillers under the name Mag­Spheres since mid-2020. Since Sep­tem­ber 2021, MAGNESIA now offi­cial­ly holds the inter­na­tion­al trade­mark rights to this name, “Mag­Spheres®”. This is par­tic­u­lar­ly rel­e­vant as these light­weight fillers can cre­ate a range of new prod­uct prop­er­ties in a wide vari­ety of indus­tries, or opti­mize exist­ing prod­uct prop­er­ties. Light­weight fillers such as our Mag­Spheres® can be used for acoustic or ther­mal insu­la­tion, give prod­ucts anti-slip or fire-resis­tant prop­er­ties or con­tribute to weight reduction.

Mag­Spheres® are also sus­tain­able, as they are not pro­duced syn­thet­i­cal­ly using chem­i­cal process­es, but are obtained sole­ly through mate­r­i­al con­ver­sion. With Mag­Spheres®, MAGNESIA is respond­ing to indus­try demands to offer sus­tain­able raw mate­ri­als with the low­est pos­si­ble car­bon footprint.

Thomas Luck­ow, Sales Direc­tor Light­weight Fillers at MAGNESIA, describes the focus of his busi­ness unit as fol­lows: “From the very begin­ning, our aim was to offer extreme­ly good advice on light­weight fillers and at the same time the most inno­v­a­tive and sus­tain­able prod­ucts in this seg­ment.” Since then, he and his team cur­rent­ly have six dif­fer­ent prod­uct series in their range. These can now be mar­ket­ed inter­na­tion­al­ly under the dis­tinc­tive brand name Mag­Spheres®. “With the nam­ing rights grant­ed, we are lay­ing the foun­da­tion for tar­get­ed prod­uct mar­ket­ing. Cus­tomers should imme­di­ate­ly asso­ciate us and the qual­i­ty of our advice and the prod­uct as such with the Mag­Spheres® brand. This will make us quick­ly rec­og­niz­able in the mar­ket,” says Thomas Luck­ow, explain­ing the step of reg­is­ter­ing the nam­ing rights.

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