MAGNESIA again plants trees
for completed customer satisfaction survey

For the sec­ond year in a row, we are plant­i­ng trees for com­plet­ed respons­es to our annu­al cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion sur­vey. All pur­chas­ing cus­tomers from the pre­vi­ous cal­en­dar year can take part in this sur­vey. The aim of the sur­vey is to gath­er cus­tomer opin­ions on our prod­ucts, sales advice and ser­vice, such as the han­dling of logistics.

For this year’s cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion sur­vey, we have cre­at­ed a spe­cial incen­tive for return­ing the ques­tion­naires: instead of plant­i­ng one tree for every 10 respons­es last year, this year every dig­i­tal­ly com­plet­ed ques­tion­naire was reward­ed with a plant­ed tree.

Thanks to your sup­port, we can have 80 trees plant­ed in Merse­burg by the I plant a tree® organization.

Thank you for your par­tic­i­pa­tion and your indi­rect con­tri­bu­tion to refor­est­ing forests in Germany.

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