MAGNESIA awarded
with the FaMi seal

MAGNESIA recent­ly received the FaMi seal (fam­i­ly seal). This seal is award­ed to com­pa­nies and insti­tu­tions that offer a fam­i­ly-con­scious work­ing envi­ron­ment and active­ly and cre­ative­ly sup­port their employ­ees in bal­anc­ing fam­i­ly and career.

We are delight­ed to have received this award. “A fam­i­ly-friend­ly com­pa­ny pol­i­cy is impor­tant. In the chal­leng­ing times of the last two years, we have man­aged to offer our employ­ees flex­i­ble work­ing mod­els,” says Nadine Knels, Head of Human Resources. All employ­ees can work from home with­out restric­tions. The tech­ni­cal require­ments for this were cre­at­ed quick­ly and unbu­reau­crat­i­cal­ly. Flex­itime, trust-based work­ing hours, work­ing from abroad and much more are also pos­si­ble at MAGNESIA. “Our employ­ees are impor­tant to us. We want to offer them the best pos­si­ble work-life bal­ance. We are all the more pleased that we have received an award for this,” Nadine Knels continues.

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