Commitment to sustainability
MAGNESIA GmbH receives award

Cor­po­rate Social Respon­si­bil­i­ty (CSR) is char­ac­ter­ized by the inter­play of eco­log­i­cal, social and eth­i­cal aspects. Com­pa­nies today should be able to demon­strate rec­og­niz­able mea­sures with­in these areas in order to demon­strate responsibility.

MAGNESIA has been fac­ing up to this respon­si­bil­i­ty for some time now through var­i­ous small and large ini­tia­tives: vir­tu­al­ly paper-free admin­is­tra­tion, the use of green elec­tric­i­ty, con­ver­sion of the com­pa­ny fleet to elec­tric vehi­cles, plant­i­ng trees, off­set­ting busi­ness trips, finan­cial sup­port for social and cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions, and much more.

We have now gone one step fur­ther to objec­tive­ly quan­ti­fy this com­mit­ment: Eco­Vadis is, the world’s most respect­ed provider of cor­po­rate sus­tain­abil­i­ty rat­ings. The efforts of our CSR team have now been reward­ed. With an over­all score of 57, MAGNESIA has already been award­ed the sil­ver Eco­Vadis seal in its first assess­ment. This is a high­er score than 73% of all com­pa­nies assessed by EcoVadis.

Many thanks to our inter­nal CSR team, which pre­pared and sup­port­ed the assessment.

As an Eco­Vadis mem­ber, you can access details of our assess­ment:

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