IFS Broker & IFS Logistics certified

MAGNESIA GmbH is now offi­cial­ly cer­ti­fied with IFS Bro­ker and IFS Logis­tics for the food indus­try. For cus­tomers, these cer­ti­fi­ca­tions mean an even high­er lev­el of prod­uct safe­ty and qual­i­ty as well as a cer­ti­fi­ca­tion rec­og­nized by the Glob­al Food Safe­ty Ini­tia­tive (GFSI).

The IFS Bro­ker Stan­dard checks whether a broker/importer has imple­ment­ed mea­sures in its process­es that can ensure that the prod­ucts sup­plied com­ply with both legal require­ments and con­trac­tu­al spec­i­fi­ca­tions. The IFS Logis­tics Stan­dard is used to audit logis­tics activ­i­ties relat­ing to food and non-food products.

The cer­ti­fi­ca­tion audits were car­ried out at the Lüneb­urg site at the end of 2022 and MAGNESIA has been offi­cial­ly IFS Bro­ker and IFS Logis­tics cer­ti­fied since the begin­ning of 2023. These cer­ti­fi­ca­tions are a major mile­stone for MAGNESIA and proof of its efforts to meet the high­est stan­dards in the food industry.

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