Sales co-operation for lightweight fillers
MAGNESIA & Stockmeier Group

MAGNESIA GmbH and the STOCKMEIER Group have entered into a sales co-oper­a­tion for our light­weight fillers, the so-called Mag­Spheres®. We are very pleased about this coop­er­a­tion, which will enable us to offer our cus­tomers fur­ther benefits.

“STOCKMEIER and its sub­sidiary BASSERMANN min­er­als have excel­lent exper­tise and a very good sales struc­ture in the refrac­to­ry, foundry and paints & var­nish­es sec­tors, which means that cus­tomers receive the best pos­si­ble sup­port,” com­ments Markus Cord­ing, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of MAGNESIA, on the partnership.

MAGNESIA’s Mag­Spheres® are hol­low micros­pheres and mate­ri­als with den­si­ties around or below 1.0 g/cm³. The port­fo­lio of these light­weight fillers includes clas­sic ceram­ic hol­low micros­pheres, so-called cenos­pheres, hol­low glass micros­pheres, per­lite-based spheres, nat­ur­al expand­ed prod­ucts and arti­fi­cial­ly pro­duced expand­ed glass-based gran­u­lates. These high-qual­i­ty light­weight fillers are used in high-tem­per­a­ture appli­ca­tions. In par­tic­u­lar, the use in so-called ris­ers or oth­er com­po­nents, such as foundry moulds and cores, is one of the main areas of appli­ca­tion for these hol­low microspheres.

The STOCKMEIER Group, with its sub­sidiary BASSERMANN min­er­als, spe­cialis­es in pre­cise­ly this sales area. Their exist­ing net­work of cus­tomers in these indus­tries can be specif­i­cal­ly tar­get­ed with the MAGNESIA prod­uct. Dirk Sei­del, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Spe­cial­i­ty Chem­i­cals STOCKMEIER Chemie GmbH & Co. KG and BASSERMANN min­er­als, says: “We are very pleased about the strate­gic coop­er­a­tion with MAGNESIA GmbH in the field of light­weight fillers. This com­ple­ments our exten­sive prod­uct port­fo­lio and enables us to offer new solu­tions for our customers.”

If you have any ques­tions about light­weight fillers or require fur­ther infor­ma­tion, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact the MAGNESIA experts from the Light­weight Fillers divi­sion.

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