Directions to MAGNESIA GmbH

MAGNESIA GmbH is locat­ed at the west­ern edge of the city of Lüneb­urg, in the “Indus­triege­bi­et Hafen”. On site is the head­quar­ters as well as the main ware­house of MAGNESIA. For guests, there are park­ing spaces in front of the build­ing. If you are vis­it­ing us with an elec­tric car, one of our e‑charging sta­tions can be reserved for your vis­it. Sim­ply con­tact your con­tact per­son pri­or to your arrival for this purpose.

You can find a detailed descrip­tion for pick­up or deliv­ery at our ware­house as well as a map down below. If you have any ques­tions, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us via our con­tact form.

Com­ing from Ham­burg or Uelzen, the most suit­able approach is via the city high­way B209 / B4. Take the exit B216 in the direc­tion of Dan­nen­berg / Bleckede / Hafen / Bilmer Berg.

Com­ing from Lüneburg’s city cen­ter, the most suit­able approach is via Dahlen­burg­er Land­straße / B216 in the direc­tion of Dan­nen­berg / Bleckede / Hafen / Bilmer Berg.

Once you are on the B216, keep imme­di­ate­ly to the right to exit into the Bilmer Berg indus­tri­al area. Turn onto and fol­low the Lilien­thal­straße. As it is a pri­or­i­ty road, fol­low Lilien­thal­straße right to turn onto Zep­pelin­straße. Keep fol­low­ing this pri­or­i­ty road to the left and stay on Zep­pelin­straße. Take then the first street on the left and turn into Max-Jenne-Straße.

If you are trav­el­ing by long-dis­tance train, trav­el to the Lüneb­urg train sta­tion. From here you can use the cabs or bus­es that are reg­u­lar­ly avail­able and depart from the affil­i­at­ed cen­tral bus ter­mi­nal Lüneburg.

Bus lines going in the direc­tion of MAGNESIA are the 5010 (to the stop “Flug­platz” — 6 min. walk) and the 5120 (to the stop “Von-Stern-Straße” — 3 min. walk).

The costs for a cab are about 20 €.

Deliv­er­ing and for­ward­ing com­pa­nies can reach MAGNESIA using the above direc­tions, too. The ware­house for load­ing and unload­ing is locat­ed at the back of the main building.

For this pur­pose, also turn into Max-Jenne-Straße and dri­ve past the MAGNESIA main build­ing until you see the ware­house grounds on the right. Then turn right onto the ware­house area.

Reg­is­ter with the ware­house mas­ter at site for load­ing or unload­ing. Please also note the adja­cent open­ing hours of our warehouse.

Loca­tion map



Max-Jenne-Str. 2 — 4
Indus­triege­bi­et Hafen

21337 Lüneb­urg

Office hours

Mon­day: 7:30 — 16:00
Tues­day: 7:30 — 16:00
Wednes­day: 7:30 — 16:00
Thurs­day: 7:30 — 16:00
Fri­day: 7:30 — 13:30

Ware­house hours

Mon­day: 7:30 — 15:30
Tues­day: 7:30 — 15:30
Wednes­day: 7:30 — 15:30
Thurs­day: 7:30 — 15:30
Fri­day: 7:30 — 13:00