Mineral Insights

In our Mineral Insights blog, we regularly provide you with comprehensive product and application knowledge about our mineral raw materials. Find out how different types of the same raw material differ from one another, which raw materials are suitable for which applications and how you can further optimize your products with magnesium, calcium, zinc, and further mineral compounds.

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Mineral Insights

In our Mineral Insights blog, we regularly provide you with comprehensive product and application knowledge about our mineral raw materials. Find out how different types of the same raw material differ from one another, which raw materials are suitable for which applications and how you can further optimize your products with magnesium, calcium, zinc, and further mineral compounds.

Trimagnesium Dicitrate as food additive

Veröffentlicht am 9. February 2024Published on February 9, 2024

Tri-mag­ne­sium cit­rate, anhy­drous, is a chem­i­cal com­pound that has long been used for the mag­ne­sium for­ti­fi­ca­tion of food sup­ple­ments and foods. It is also known as mag­ne­sium cit­rate, ter­tiary mag­ne­sium cit­rate, trib­a­sic mag­ne­sium cit­rate or neu­tral mag­ne­sium citrate.

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New Ingredient: Zinc oxide for natural cosmetics

Veröffentlicht am 31. August 2023Published on August 31, 2023

Zinc oxide has been used in phar­ma and cos­met­ics for cen­turies. We now offer a sus­tain­able zinc oxide for use in nat­ur­al cos­met­ics. The cos­met­ics indus­try still uses its many prop­er­ties today.

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Sour makes you happy

Veröffentlicht am 23. February 2023Published on February 23, 2023

Mono­mag­ne­sium cit­rate, also known as mag­ne­sium hydro­gen cit­rate, is the per­fect source of mag­ne­sium for the for­ti­fi­ca­tion of bev­er­ages like water or fruit juice.

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