From 100% green electricity:

Sustainably produced perlite

Man­u­fac­tur­ers of insu­la­tion mate­ri­als, con­struc­tion chem­i­cals and poly­mers lis­ten up!

Those who know per­lite think first and fore­most of vol­canic rock, which has been expand­ed with the help of high tem­per­a­tures based on gas. Up until now, this prod­uct group has always been avail­able on the mar­ket reli­ably and at low prices. As a result of the cur­rent geopo­lit­i­cal ten­sions, how­ev­er, this has unfor­tu­nate­ly changed in recent months.

With our Mag­Spheres® P‑series we offer you per­lite that is per­ma­nent­ly avail­able, attrac­tive­ly priced, and very sus­tain­able.

Per­lite is based on vol­canic rock. By heat­ing the rock to over 1,000 °C, it expands and increas­es its sur­face, thus acquir­ing prop­er­ties that are of inter­est to a wide vari­ety of indus­tries. For exam­ple, per­lite is an ide­al insu­lat­ing mate­r­i­al or is suit­able for reduc­ing the den­si­ty of mate­ri­als while main­tain­ing the same volume.

To gen­er­ate such high tem­per­a­tures in the treat­ment process, gas is tra­di­tion­al­ly used in indus­try. How­ev­er, its use has recent­ly come under crit­i­cism and has become increas­ing­ly uneco­nom­i­cal. As a result, per­lite are no longer avail­able on the mar­ket as usu­al or have become very expensive.

Mag­Spheres® P‑series per­lite has the advan­tage of being expand­ed in fur­naces that are elec­tri­cal­ly pow­ered by 100% green elec­tric­i­ty in Europe. In addi­tion to the inef­fi­cien­cy of gas, inno­va­tions in elec­tric fur­naces also con­tribute to the fact that elec­tri­cal­ly expand­ed per­lites have now become com­pet­i­tive in price. Anoth­er effect is that this type of per­lite is per­ma­nent­ly avail­able on the mar­ket due to its inde­pen­dence from gas.

The biggest advan­tage of our elec­tri­cal­ly expand­ed Mag­Spheres® per­lite series is that they have a very low car­bon foot­print due to the use of green elec­tric­i­ty. Depend­ing on the ori­gin of the raw mate­r­i­al used, the CO2 foot­print is 180 — 210 grams of CO2 equiv­a­lent (CO2e) per kilo­gram. They are supe­ri­or to oth­er, func­tion­al­ly sim­i­lar mate­ri­als. Foam glass, for exam­ple, has a CO2e val­ue of 1,000 – 1,500 grams, EPS a val­ue of 3.5 kg and XPS a val­ue of around 10 kg. The use of the Mag­Spheres® P‑series instead of oth­er mate­ri­als can thus sig­nif­i­cant­ly improve the car­bon foot­print of entire con­struc­tion projects.

In addi­tion, the use of our Mag­Spheres® also has an impact on oth­er rel­e­vant areas com­pared with the use of alter­na­tive mate­ri­als and results, among oth­er things, in a reduc­tion in pho­to­chem­i­cal ozone for­ma­tion, acid­i­fi­ca­tion, par­tic­u­late mat­ter, and car­cino­genic and non-car­cino­genic effects. Espe­cial­ly in com­par­i­son to bio­genic mate­ri­als, our prod­uct scores with a very low land con­sump­tion.

Source: Foot­print Con­sult e.U. (2019) – Umwelt­beurteilung von Blähperlit

Contact us now

Talk to us and let us advise you per­son­al­ly. For this pur­pose, we are also hap­py to pro­vide you with a sam­ple case for a joint vir­tu­al work­shop with­out oblig­a­tion and free of charge.