Mineral Insights

In our Mineral Insights blog, we regularly provide you with comprehensive product and application knowledge about our mineral raw materials. Find out how different types of the same raw material differ from one another, which raw materials are suitable for which applications and how you can further optimize your products with magnesium, calcium, zinc, and further mineral compounds.

What is Magnesia?

Veröffentlicht am 17. April 2019Published on April 17, 2019

In the Ger­man lan­guage, the term Mag­ne­sia not only stands for the name of our com­pa­ny, but is also syn­ony­mous with mag­ne­sium oxide, which is one of our most impor­tant products.

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Deep Ocean Mineral Concentrate

Veröffentlicht am 4. March 2019Published on March 4, 2019

Deep Ocean Min­er­al Con­cen­trate is a mix­ture of about 80 min­er­als and trace ele­ments, which resem­bles in its min­er­al com­po­si­tion of human blood and is there­fore ide­al­ly suit­ed as a dietary supplement.

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