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MAGNESIA is an international supplier of mineral raw materials. In our Latest News-section, we provide you with current information about MAGNESIA and our product portfolio. From legal requirements, regulations or impending laws, to breakthroughs in research and development in the field of mineral raw materials, to current market trends, milestones or success stories – here you can find out what is relevant in the market.

Changes in trade with the UK from Februay 1st 2020

Veröffentlicht am 1. February 2020Published on February 1, 2020

From Jan­u­ary 1st 2021, the UK will be con­sid­ered a third coun­try for EU mem­bers as it leaves the Euro­pean Sin­gle Mar­ket. This means that both the EU and the UK will apply the usu­al third coun­try tar­iffs to EU goods.

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