Mineral raw materials for pet food manufacturers

Mag­ne­sium, cal­ci­um, zinc, iron and oth­er min­er­al raw mate­ri­als are essen­tial ingre­di­ents in pet food. MAGNESIA has been your reli­able sup­pli­er of these min­er­als for more than 40 years. Man­u­fac­tur­ers of pet food world­wide trust in our con­sult­ing exper­tise, our fast and trans­par­ent order pro­cess­ing and our high prod­uct qual­i­ty. Ben­e­fit from being able to use our raw mate­ri­als seam­less­ly in your pro­duc­tion and pro­vide your prod­ucts with impor­tant tech­no­log­i­cal prop­er­ties or enrich them with minerals.

Mineral nutrients in animal feed

MAGNESIA min­er­als guar­an­tee high bioavail­abil­i­ty. They are impor­tant com­po­nents for var­i­ous phys­i­o­log­i­cal func­tions and basic meta­bol­ic process­es in ani­mals. Min­er­al com­pounds can be used as feed mate­ri­als and feed addi­tives in dry and wet pet food production.

Com­po­nents in bone and tooth formation

Sup­ports detox­i­fi­ca­tion processes

Reg­u­la­tion of cell functions

Con­tri­bu­tion to a func­tion­ing immune system

Sup­port­ing growth

Osmot­ic bal­ance of cells

Reg­u­la­tion of the acid-base balance



Minerals for mineral enrichment and as an auxiliary material in production

We can guar­an­tee you the high­est pos­si­ble qual­i­ty and ide­al prop­er­ties for your pro­duc­tion and end prod­ucts. Get in touch with us and let us advise you indi­vid­u­al­ly. We will find the prod­ucts you need for the pro­duc­tion of your pet food from our broad port­fo­lio of min­er­al compounds.


Magnesium compounds in our portfolio

  • Mag­ne­sium oxide, mag­ne­sium car­bon­ate, mag­ne­sium sul­phate, mag­ne­sium hydrox­ide, mag­ne­sium chlo­ride (oth­er com­pounds on request)

Application areas

  • Mag­ne­sium is impor­tant for mus­cle build­ing and func­tion, ener­gy pro­duc­tion from food, bone for­ma­tion, nerve and heart func­tion, stress reduction


Calcium compounds in our portfolio

  • Cal­ci­um oxide, cal­ci­um car­bon­ate, cal­ci­um chlo­ride, cal­ci­um hydrox­ide, cal­ci­um phos­phate, cal­ci­um sul­phate, cal­ci­um acetate, cal­ci­um ascor­bate, cal­ci­um glu­conate, cal­ci­um lac­tate, cal­ci­um pro­pi­onate (oth­er com­pounds on request)

Application areas

  • Cal­ci­um is impor­tant for the for­ma­tion of bones and teeth, mus­cle con­trac­tion, blood clot­ting, nerve and heart func­tion, enzy­mat­ic and hor­mon­al processes


Potassium compounds in our portfolio

  • Potas­si­um bicar­bon­ate, potas­si­um car­bon­ate, potas­si­um chlo­ride, potas­si­um cit­rate, potas­si­um glu­conate (oth­er com­pounds on request)

Application areas

  • Potas­si­um is impor­tant for heart func­tion, mus­cle con­trac­tion, enzy­mat­ic process­es, reg­u­la­tion of blood pres­sure, acid-base balance


Sodium compounds in our portfolio

  • Sodi­um bicar­bon­ate, sodi­um car­bon­ate, sodi­um chlo­ride, sodi­um sul­phate (oth­er com­pounds on request)

Application areas

  • Sodi­um acts as an elec­trolyte, reg­u­la­tion of the acid-base bal­ance, growth, mus­cle con­trac­tions, trans­port of nutri­ents into the cells and removal of waste prod­ucts, nerve function


Phosphorus compounds in our portfolio

  • Pet­Go — A sus­tain­able source of phos­pho­rus from Nor­we­gian salmon
  • 100g Pet­Go pro­vides 19g cal­ci­um and 9g phosphorus
  • Pet­go is a “ready to use” straight feed­ing stuff (fish bone meal) and can be added to the feed

Application areas

  • Phos­pho­rus is impor­tant for growth, for­ma­tion of cells, bones and teeth, mus­cle func­tion, uti­liza­tion of food components


Man­u­fac­tur­ers of high-qual­i­ty feed and food, food sup­ple­ments and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal prod­ucts around the world rely on our exper­tise. In order to ensure the legal­ly com­pli­ant qual­i­ty of our cus­tomers’ prod­ucts, we con­sis­tent­ly keep an eye on the applic­a­ble standards:

Food Chem­i­cals Codex

VO EG Nr. 767/2009 on the cir­cu­la­tion of ani­mal feed

VO EG Nr. 1831/2023 on feed additives

IFS (inter­na­tion­al stan­dard in the food industry)


Contact us now

Oliv­er Stapelfeldt and his team sup­ports you with tech­ni­cal know-how and finds tai­lor-made solu­tions for your prod­uct idea.

Also ask for detailed infor­ma­tion about spec­i­fi­ca­tionssafe­ty data sheets or mate­r­i­al sam­ples.

MAGNESIA makes the difference – see for yourself

Transparency and partnership

Trans­paren­cy and partnership

The com­pa­ny empha­sis­es trans­paren­cy in the sup­ply chain and main­tains part­ner­ships with man­u­fac­tur­ing part­ners to ensure seam­less mon­i­tor­ing and trans­par­ent procurement.

Comprehensive service

Com­pre­hen­sive service

MAGNESIA offers not only high-qual­i­ty addi­tives, active ingre­di­ents and excip­i­ents, but also a com­pre­hen­sive ser­vice that strength­ens cus­tomer rela­tion­ships and facil­i­tates co-operation.

Short delivery times

Short deliv­ery times

MAGNESIA can guar­an­tee short deliv­ery times for cus­tomers thanks to its own ware­house and qual­i­fied exter­nal ware­house keep­ers, which is an impor­tant eco­nom­ic factor.

Expertise in various chemical elements

Exper­tise in var­i­ous chem­i­cal elements

MAGNESIA is not only a spe­cial­ist in min­er­als, but also an expert in var­i­ous chem­i­cal ele­ments, which offers our cus­tomers a wider choice of raw mate­ri­als and products.

Expertise and competence

Exper­tise and competence

The com­pa­ny has many years of exper­tise in var­i­ous mar­kets and is con­tin­u­ous­ly expand­ing its areas of exper­tise in order to offer its cus­tomers a deci­sive com­pet­i­tive advantage.

Trusted solutions

Trust­ed solutions

MAGNESIA offers proven ser­vices and strives to main­tain and strength­en cus­tomer con­fi­dence in con­sis­tent ser­vice, prod­uct qual­i­ty and safety.

Customised services

Cus­tomised services

The com­pa­ny offers cus­tomised ser­vice and con­sult­ing pack­ages to meet the dif­fer­ent require­ments of its cus­tomers and devel­op unique solutions.

Innovative solutions

Inno­v­a­tive solutions

MAGNESIA strives to be con­tin­u­ous­ly cre­ative and inno­v­a­tive in order to ful­fil cus­tomer require­ments and adapt to chang­ing mar­ket con­di­tions, includ­ing the use of dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies for an opti­mal cus­tomer experience.

FAQ — Frequently asked questions

Min­er­als play impor­tant roles in the ani­mal body. They are cru­cial for metab­o­lism, bone and den­tal health, nerve and mus­cle func­tion, reg­u­la­tion of blood pres­sure, heart func­tion, and the immune sys­tem. The most impor­tant min­er­als include cal­ci­um, phos­pho­rus, potas­si­um, sodi­um, mag­ne­sium, iron, zinc, and selenium.

Min­er­al ingre­di­ents can be used in a wide vari­ety of ani­mal feeds, includ­ing food for pets such as dogs, cats, small ani­mals, as well as fish or rep­tiles. These min­er­als are found in both dry and wet food, BARF (Bio­log­i­cal­ly Appro­pri­ate Raw Food), and in sup­ple­men­tary feeds.

Com­mon­ly used min­er­al raw mate­ri­als in ani­mal feed include: cal­ci­um for bone and den­tal health, phos­pho­rus for sup­port­ing ener­gy metab­o­lism, mag­ne­sium as an essen­tial com­po­nent for mus­cle and nerve func­tion, iron for oxy­gen trans­port in the blood, zinc for sup­port­ing the immune sys­tem and skin health (wound heal­ing), and sele­ni­um as an antioxidant.

MAGNESIA is GDP‑, ISO‑, and IFS-cer­ti­fied. The qual­i­ty of all process­es is ensured by our qual­i­ty man­age­ment sys­tem accord­ing to ISO 9001. We are reg­u­lar­ly audit­ed by reg­u­la­to­ry author­i­ties for the dis­tri­b­u­tion of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal active ingre­di­ents for human use (GDP). In addi­tion, we are reg­is­tered as a whole­saler for pet and live­stock feed with the Low­er Sax­ony State Office for Con­sumer Pro­tec­tion and Food Safe­ty: LAVES-038274.

The min­er­al require­ment varies depend­ing on the species, age, health sta­tus, and repro­duc­tive phase of the ani­mal. Macro-ele­ments such as cal­ci­um, phos­pho­rus, and mag­ne­sium are need­ed in larg­er quan­ti­ties, while trace ele­ments like iron, zinc, and sele­ni­um are required in small­er amounts. A bal­anced sup­ply of min­er­als is cru­cial for the health, fer­til­i­ty, and per­for­mance of animals.

BARF stands for “Bio­log­i­cal­ly Appro­pri­ate Raw Food.”

  • When feed­ing meat with­out bones, a cal­ci­um deficit can occur in the animal.
  • For exam­ple, an adult 12 kg dog has a dai­ly require­ment of 1200 mg of calcium.
  • 100g of our prod­uct Pet­Go pro­vides 19g of cal­ci­um and 9g of phosphorus.
  • Pet­Go is a “ready to use” sin­gle feed (fish bone meal) and can be mixed with food to avoid defi­cien­cies in the BARF sector.