CosmeticBusiness 2024 in Munich

CosmeticBusiness 2024 in Munich – Meet us on site! 

We are delight­ed to be exhibit­ing again at Cos­met­icBusi­ness 2024 in Munich this year. From 5th to 6th of June 2024, our experts will be there for you at stand C12 in hall 2. Let us advise you on how you can use mag­ne­sium, cal­ci­um, zinc and oth­er min­er­al raw mate­ri­als for the devel­op­ment of your cos­met­ic prod­ucts. With our port­fo­lio of nat­ur­al raw mate­ri­als, we also have an answer to the trend top­ic of “nat­ur­al cos­met­ics” for a wide range of appli­ca­tions. We will be hap­py to advise you now or on site!

Cosmetic Business 2024 in Munich – Thank you for visiting us!

MAGNESIA was again exhibit­ing at this year’s Cos­met­ic Busi­ness 2024 in Munich. Your vis­it at our stand C12 in hall 2 made the trade fair a com­plete suc­cess for us! In addi­tion to exchang­ing ideas with oth­er experts from the cos­met­ics indus­try, our sales team advised new and exist­ing cus­tomers on the use of our min­er­al raw mate­ri­als in their cos­met­ic prod­ucts and brought along inter­est­ing trends from the mar­ket for dec­o­ra­tive, skin­care and nat­ur­al cosmetics.

Thank you for vis­it­ing us at Cos­met­ic Busi­ness 2024 in Munich, and we look for­ward to stay­ing in con­tact with you.

Our mineral compounds for your products

Based on mag­ne­sium, cal­ci­um, sodi­um, potas­si­um, iron, zinc and oth­er ele­ments, we offer you a wide range of min­er­al com­pounds for use in cos­met­ic products.









The MAGNESIA experts from our cos­met­ics divi­sion look for­ward to see­ing you at our stand C12 at Cos­met­icBusi­ness 2024 in Munich.

We will be hap­py to advise you on site about the pos­si­ble appli­ca­tions of min­er­al raw mate­ri­als in dec­o­ra­tive cos­met­ics, skin care cos­met­ics or nat­ur­al cos­met­ics. For exam­ple, min­er­al com­pounds help to adjust the pH val­ue or vis­cos­i­ty, they are suit­able as swelling or opaci­fy­ing agents or are used as sta­bilis­ers or antibac­te­r­i­al additives.

Regard­less of the pur­pose for which you would like to use min­er­al raw mate­ri­als for your cos­met­ics, we will be hap­py to advise and sup­port you right through to the final product!

Cosmetic Business in München - MAGNESIA Anwendungsgebiete

You were not on site?

Our experts look for­ward to your request, even beyond Cos­met­ic Busi­ness 2024 in Munich.

We would be hap­py to advise you on the pos­si­ble appli­ca­tions of min­er­al raw mate­ri­als in dec­o­ra­tive cos­met­ics, skin care cos­met­ics or nat­ur­al cos­met­ics. For exam­ple, min­er­al com­pounds help to adjust the pH val­ue or vis­cos­i­ty, they are suit­able as swelling or opaci­fy­ing agents or are used as sta­bilis­ers or antibac­te­r­i­al additives.

Get in con­tact with us below!

Cosmetic Business in München - MAGNESIA Anwendungsgebiete

Further resources

Delivery program

Dis­cov­er inno­v­a­tive min­er­als for your cos­met­ics: high-qual­i­ty, cer­ti­fied and approved.

Click now and down­load our com­pre­hen­sive prod­uct range!

Insights into our exhibition world

Book your meeting with us

Select Service 

Meet­ing @CosmeticBusiness 45 minutes

Select time 

Select a ser­vice and date to see avail­able times.

Add your details 

Please let us know if you have any spe­cial requests. Thank you.

Initial consult

Dura­tion: 1 hour
Not sure what you need? Grab 60 min­utes with us and we will work with you to under­stand your goals, and to devel­op a pro­pos­al and price estimate.

Discover the MAGNESIA advantages

40 years in the market 

Experts from spe­cial­ist areas

Inter­na­tion­al distribution

Mul­ti­ple certifications

Exten­sive portfolio

Qual­i­fied suppliers

Your free ticket for CosmeticBusiness 2024 in Munich

As an exhibitor at Cos­met­icBusi­ness 2024, we can offer you a con­tin­gent of free tick­ets. Click on the graph­ic below and fol­low the book­ing process described there. Don’t for­get to unse our pro­mo­tion­code: Hello#CB24, vis­it us at Cos­met­icBusi­ness and raise a glass to a suc­cess­ful trade fair and the cos­met­ics industry.

FAQs on Cosmetic Business 2024 in Munich

Cos­met­ic Busi­ness is an inter­na­tion­al trade fair that and took place annu­al­ly in Munich. It is a unique source for new cos­met­ic prod­uct ideas and brings togeth­er the entire net­work for their effi­cient con­cep­tion and real­i­sa­tion. MAGNESIA is a sup­pli­er of min­er­al raw mate­ri­als that can be used in a vari­ety of ways for the pro­duc­tion of dec­o­ra­tive, skin­care and nat­ur­al cos­met­ics. The MAGNESIA experts will be there for you at stand C12.

Cosmetic Business 2024 in Munich: The entire cosmetics network in one place

Cos­met­ic Busi­ness 2024 took place in Munich from 5th to 6th of June 2024. The trade fair brings togeth­er cos­met­ics com­pa­nies with all their sup­pli­ers for the devel­op­ment, pro­duc­tion, pack­ag­ing and mar­ket­ing of the entire cos­met­ics prod­uct port­fo­lio. In pre­vi­ous years, the trade fair had around 400 exhibitors on over 11,000 m² of exhi­bi­tion space. MAGNESIA experts will be on site to intro­duce you to our inno­v­a­tive min­er­al com­pounds for the man­u­fac­ture of your cos­met­ic products.

Why should you book an appointment with our sales experts?

Our min­er­al com­pounds have proven to be reli­able and effec­tive com­po­nents for the man­u­fac­ture of cos­met­ic prod­ucts. To find out more about the wide range of appli­ca­tions we can cov­er with­in your prod­ucts, we invite you to talk to our sales experts dur­ing Cos­met­ic Busi­ness 2024:

  1. Per­son­alised advice: Every man­u­fac­tur­er of cos­met­ic prod­ucts has unique require­ments. Our sales experts under­stand your spe­cif­ic needs and find suit­able min­er­al com­pounds that meet your requirements.
  2. Mar­ket knowl­edge: MAGNESIA is not only a prod­uct expert, but also an indus­try expert. Take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to ben­e­fit from our exten­sive expe­ri­ence and expertise.
  3. Cer­ti­fied part­ner: In order to meet the high qual­i­ty require­ments of the indus­try, we work in accor­dance with a sophis­ti­cat­ed qual­i­ty man­age­ment sys­tem in accor­dance with ISO 9001 and are also IFS certified.

Book your appoint­ment here: quick, easy and uncomplicated