Deep Ocean Mineral Concentrate

Due to its loca­tion under the ther­mal lim­it of the ocean, which lies at a depth of 200 meters, sun­light-free and ther­mal­ly sta­ble con­di­tions are guar­an­teed (6–9 ° C through­out). Specif­i­cal­ly, this prod­uct is pumped from a depth of about 660 meters and pumped over 5000 meters long lines to the pro­duc­tion plant.

At the pro­duc­tion site, the raw mate­ri­als are extract­ed from the water by evap­o­ra­tion and then fil­tered. After per­form­ing these steps, the prod­uct is shipped as a white to yel­low­ish-look­ing powder.

If you are inter­est­ed in fur­ther infor­ma­tion about the Deep Ocean Min­er­al Con­cen­trate as an alter­na­tive min­er­al sup­ple­ment, feel free to con­tact our Nutri­tion­al & Health Sup­ple­ments experts.

To the Deep Ocean Min­er­al Con­cen­trate Whitepaper

Pho­to Cred­its:

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