The right quality for every technical application

The areas of appli­ca­tion of mag­ne­sium hydrox­ide in tech­ni­cal indus­try are ver­sa­tile. Mag­ne­sium hydrox­ide is an ingre­di­ent in min­er­al fer­til­iz­ers in agri­cul­ture. Fur­ther­more, it is used as addi­tive in the pro­duc­tion of build­ing mate­ri­als. It is an addi­tive in refrac­to­ry as well as in insu­lat­ing build­ing mate­ri­als. In water treat­ment it serves as a floc­cu­lant. Ther­mo­plas­tics and elas­tomers also ben­e­fit from its flame retar­dant prop­er­ties. Mag­ne­sium hydrox­ide improves the dura­bil­i­ty and sta­bil­i­ty of abra­sives. The appli­ca­tions are vir­tu­al­ly end­less. And that is pre­cise­ly why mag­ne­sium hydrox­ide is in demand on the mar­ket in a wide vari­ety of qualities.

The require­ments for the prod­uct and its effect are indi­vid­ual and com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent depend­ing on the indus­try. In gen­er­al, all grades are mag­ne­sium hydrox­ide. But it’s the lit­tle dif­fer­ences that mat­ter, so that the raw mate­r­i­al can be used suc­cess­ful­ly and effi­cient­ly. “We know the mar­ket and the most diverse require­ments for mag­ne­sium hydrox­ide very well. Through close exchange with our busi­ness part­ners, we have been able to assem­ble a broad prod­uct port­fo­lio that meets our cus­tomers’ require­ments one hun­dred per­cent,” says Chris­t­ian Block, Sales Direc­tor Tech­ni­cal Mag­ne­sia. “We offer the right qual­i­ty for every appli­ca­tion. We are hap­py to help our cus­tomers deter­mine the opti­mal raw mate­r­i­al for them through per­son­al con­sul­ta­tion and prod­uct sam­pling.”

The MAGNESIA prod­uct port­fo­lio com­pris­es more than 25 nat­ur­al or syn­thet­ic mag­ne­sium hydrox­ides of dif­fer­ent qual­i­ty. They are per­fect­ly tai­lored to the respec­tive area of appli­ca­tion and help to give the final prod­uct the desired properties.

Fields of application of Magnesium hydroxide:


Water treat­ment

Grind­ing materials

Stearate pro­duc­tion

Chem­i­cal reagent

Con­struc­tion materials


Flame retar­dants

PVC sta­bi­liz­ers



Rub­ber compounds

Poly­mer compounds

Con­tact our Tech­ni­cal Mag­ne­sia Team. Togeth­er with you, we will deter­mine the opti­mum qual­i­ty for your needs. We adapt con­tentpar­ti­cle sizepuri­ty and flow behav­ior to your require­ments. Ben­e­fit from our large port­fo­lio for your for­mu­la­tions. We keep most of the above-men­tioned qual­i­ties in stock at our ware­house in Lüneb­urg for a short-term deliv­ery.

Contact us:

Our Tech­ni­cal Mag­ne­sia team will sup­port you with tech­ni­cal know-how and find tai­lor-made solu­tions for your prod­ucts. Feel free to ask for detailed infor­ma­tion regard­ing spec­i­fi­ca­tionssafe­ty data sheets or sam­ples.

Christian Block

Sales Direc­tor
Tech­ni­cal MAGNESIA

+49 4131 8710–43

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Franziska Kuhlmann

Sales Man­agerin
Tech­ni­cal MAGNESIA

+49 4131 8710–65

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Kerstin Fedders

Sales Man­agerin
Tech­ni­cal MAGNESIA

+49 4131 8710–34

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