A stone-rock team for your bones

Already at the age of 30, bone den­si­ty begins to decrease. At the same time, the risk of frac­tures increas­es. Osteo­poro­sis is an age-relat­ed dis­ease and is wide­spread in our soci­ety. Women after menopause are par­tic­u­lar­ly affect­ed. With the right choice of min­er­al salts and micronu­tri­ents, the body can be active­ly sup­port­ed, and you can con­tribute to keep­ing the skele­ton healthy — also in old age.


Cal­ci­um is impor­tant for main­tain­ing nor­mal bones. But the sup­ply of cal­ci­um alone can­not improve bone den­si­ty. On the oth­er hand, too much cal­ci­um caus­es bones as well as arter­ies to cal­ci­fy. Oth­er micronu­tri­ents, such as vit­a­min K2, are need­ed for opti­mal effec­tive­ness.

Fur­ther­more, it depends on the type of cal­ci­um com­pound. There are dif­fer­ences in the bioavail­abil­i­ty of the indi­vid­ual com­pounds. In addi­tion, the suit­abil­i­ty of the cal­ci­um salt must fit for the intend­ed use of the dietary sup­ple­ment. The prod­ucts must there­fore be the per­fect match of phys­i­o­log­i­cal and tech­no­log­i­cal suitability.

MAGNESIA offers an excit­ing port­fo­lio of dif­fer­ent organ­ic or inor­gan­ic cal­ci­um com­pounds. The range includes sol­u­ble and insol­u­ble salts as well as var­i­ous granules.

Vitamin K2

Vit­a­min K2 pro­motes the absorp­tion of cal­ci­um into the bones by acti­vat­ing cer­tain pro­teins of bone metab­o­lism. In addi­tion, it pro­motes col­la­gen pro­duc­tion and thus makes the bone sub­stance more flex­i­ble and elastic.

Vit­a­min K2 also has a pos­i­tive effect on vas­cu­lar health, espe­cial­ly on the car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem. Vit­a­min K2 pre­vents from an unde­sired depo­si­tion of cal­ci­um in the ves­sels, that is offered by dietary sup­ple­ments. The ves­sels remain elas­tic, and bones are strength­ened. To ensure that vit­a­min K2 is well incor­po­rat­ed into the final appli­ca­tion, MAGNESIA offers this prod­uct as pow­der and oil in two dif­fer­ent dosages of 2,000 ppm and 10,000 ppm.

Let’s talk about bone health through per­fect­ly opti­mized sup­ple­ments. We will be hap­py to advise you on the choice of the right cal­ci­um com­pounds and present the impor­tant dif­fer­ences of vit­a­min K2 types in more detail.

Please remem­ber: Opti­mal sup­ply of the human body with high­ly bioavail­able cal­ci­um and vit­a­min K2 can have a pos­i­tive effect on bone growth. And healthy bones mean more joy of activ­i­ty and thus a high qual­i­ty of life in old age.

Contact us now

Chris­t­ian Nega and the Nutri­tion­al Health and Sup­ple­ments team sup­ports you with tech­ni­cal know-how and finds tai­lor-made solu­tions for your prod­uct idea. Also ask for detailed infor­ma­tion about spec­i­fi­ca­tionssafe­ty data sheets or mate­r­i­al sam­ples.

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